Wednesday, May 20, 2015

How to get rid of back acne

Acne is a problem that usually plagues teenagers, but it may cause problems for adults as well. There are many products out there meant to treat facial acne, but what about back acne? Back acne, often shortened to “bacne”, can be difficult to deal with, but not impossible. Read on to find out how to get rid of back acne.


(Photo from No copyright infringement intended)

(Photo from No copyright infringement intended)

What is back acne?

Back acne is a kind of body acne that manifests on the back. Like facial acne, back acne is aggravated by clogged sweat glands and usually makes its appearance during puberty. Since men tend to sweat more than women do, men are more likely to be afflicted with back acne. The skin on the back is much tougher than the skin found on the face, so treatment for back acne can be more aggressive than those used on the face. However, extreme measures such as popping and pinching the pimples and pustules caused by the acne are still not recommended as it will still leave unsightly scars.

What causes back acne?

Back acne is caused by more or less the same reasons as facial and another body acne. In the dermis, the middle layer of the skin, are pilosebaceous units that consist of a hair follicle and sebaceous glands. At the onset of puberty, the sebaceous glands begin producing sebum. This production is easily affected by hormonal changes, and puberty is a stage of many hormonal changes and imbalances. This imbalance signals an overproduction of sebum, which then clogs the pilosebaceous canal, accumulates bacteria, and thus creates the pimple that is seen by all. Though this is often triggered by the hormonal imbalances of puberty, back acne may be hereditary, making those with parents who had back acne more likely to develop it.

How can back acne be prevented?

They say that prevention is the best cure, and with the case of back acne, that is definitely true. As acne is primarily caused by clogged pores, attention must be given to clearing the pores and keeping them free of blockages. Cleanliness is very important in the preventing acne so that the bacteria that will give rise the pimple later on will be stopped. Always make sure that the clothes you are wearing and will wear are clean. If, despite constantly making sure that the clothes you are wearing are clean, you are still plagued with back acne, perhaps it is the detergent at fault. Some individuals have skin that is sensitive to some kinds of detergents, especially the harsher ones. If this seems to be the case, it will be much better to choose a natural or organic detergent, which should be much gentler on the skin.

Active people who have the tendency to get back acne should always make sure to shower after every workout, as accumulated sweat on skin and especially when trapped inside clothing will further aggravate the condition. Working out will also cause the sebaceous glands to work overtime, producing more sebum, which will lead to further blocking of the pores. Again, as skin on the back is much tougher than facial skin, it is much harder to get rid of back acne than it is to prevent it.

How do I get rid of back acne?

Once back acne makes itself known, it is not the end of the world. There are many solutions that one can try when dealing with back acne. As every person is different, some remedies may be more effective than others, so make sure to try others if one doesn’t seem to be very effective in curing your back acne.


Dead skin, sweat, and sebum are the three things which can trigger a back acne breakout. Use a loofah or a pumice stone to exfoliate the affected area, sloughing away dead skin and revealing fresh new skin beneath. However, do not over-exfoliate as this may further irritate the skin and cause more breakouts.

Sea Salt Bath

While going to the beach may be the furthest thing on your mind when you are suffering from back acne, it may actually do you some good. Submerging the affected areas in the beach’s salt water can help alleviate the condition. The salt in the water will dry out the pimples until they eventually disappear. If the beach is too inaccessible, it is easy to make your own sea water concoction: simply mix salt and warm water together. This can be done in a bathtub so you can sit back and relax, or in a spray bottle, so that it will be easier to spray on as the back can be hard to reach. Only submerge the affected areas for a maximum of 30 minutes; anytime longer may lead to dried out skin, which isn’t any better.


This may not seem like a pleasant solution, but there are many people who swear by this. If your skin is tough and your back acne is very persistent, simply head over to the grocery store and buy some vinegar. Those who have chosen this solution find that the most effective vinegars are Japanese rice vinegar and apple cider vinegar. Simply dab the vinegar on the affected areas 10 to 15 minutes before taking a shower or going swimming. If the back acne is extreme, the vinegar may be left on overnight. Should your skin be a bit more sensitive, simply dilute the vinegar with water.

Facial Acne Cleansers

Why use cleansers meant for facial acne for back acne? If even the skin on your back is sensitive, then it is better to use cleansers which are designed to be gentle. The salicylic acid in these cleansers can also work wonders on your back acne without being too harsh like other treatments.


There are many different ways to get rid of back acne, and these work differently for different people. If nothing seems to be working for you, you can always consult with your dermatologist to see if there may be some other underlying problem causing your back acne. Hopefully, this article has been helpful in teaching you how to get rid of back acne.


How to get rid of back acne

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